Build Azure SQL Inventory using Power-Shell

#Free to use to build inventory for Azure SQL Databases #

##Script has been tested against the Azure SQL Databases; in case there is a Dedicated Synapse SQL Pool Hosted on same logical Server make sure those databases must be excluded in Power-Shell script. Note: The script is not modifying anything on the destination but still test this script on your DEV before hitting on production.

##Author – Rakesh Sharma ##
##Version – 1.0 ##
##Free to Use with caution – No Gurantee test it on Dev Enviornment##
##Build Your Inventory of Azure SQL Databases”
##Provide the name of the Local Instance to store the data##

##This local SQL Server will be used to store the inventory”

$LocalInstance =’MININT-B7K1QNM\SQL01′

##Provide the name of the database to read credential to connect to Azure SQL Servers##
##Provide the credential to connect to local repository##

<# Inventory Table
ServerName varchar(300),
DatabaseName varchar(200),
Location varchar(100),
Collation varchar(200),
Edition varchar(200),
CreationDate varchar(50),
CurrentServiceObjectiveName varchar(100),
SkuName varchar(100),
EarliestRestoreDate varchar(50),
DBstatus varchar(100),
UsedSpace float,
UsedSpacePer float,
AllocatedSpace float,
MaxStorageSize float,
CaptureDateTime varchar(50)

##Connect to Azure in case you are not connecting using Profile
##How to connect to Azure without login primpr –

$OutData = @()
##List of Databases to be ignored –The script will fail in case Dedicated Synapse Pool
##Filter at resource type did not worked as they both fal under SQLServer\Databases\ namespae
$ExcludeDB = @(‘master’,’SynapseLab’,’myworkshopsynapse’,’SynapseLab_2021-10-13T09-54Z’)

##Allowed to Select only Single Subscription from the Grid and then Click OK”

$Subscription = Get-AzSubscription | Out-GridView -OutputMode ‘Single’
$Subscription | Select-AzSubscription

##Allowed to Select multiple Logical SQL Server from the Grid and then Click OK”
$AzSqlServer = Get-AzSqlServer | Out-GridView -OutputMode Multiple
Foreach ($server in $AzSqlServer)
$SQLDatabase = Get-AzSqlDatabase -ServerName $server.ServerName -ResourceGroupName $server.ResourceGroupName | Where-Object { $_.DatabaseName -notin $ExcludeDB }

Foreach ($database in $SQLDatabase)

##Key Parameters To Capture##

$db_loc = $database.Location
$db_col = $database.CollationName
$db_ed = $database.Edition
$db_cd = $database.CreationDate
$db_SO = $database.CurrentServiceObjectiveName
$db_erd =$database.EarliestRestoreDate
$db_sku =$database.SkuName
$db_status =$database.Status

Write-Host $database.DatabaseName
$db_resource = Get-AzResource -ResourceId $database.ResourceId

# Database maximum storage size
$db_MaximumStorageSize = $database.MaxSizeBytes / 1GB

# Database used space
$db_metric_storage = $db_resource | Get-AzMetric -MetricName ‘storage’ -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
$db_UsedSpace = $db_metric_storage.Data.Maximum | Select-Object -Last 1
$db_UsedSpace = [math]::Round($db_UsedSpace / 1GB, 2)

# Database used space procentage
$db_metric_storage_percent = $db_resource | Get-AzMetric -MetricName ‘storage_percent’ -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
$db_UsedSpacePercentage = $db_metric_storage_percent.Data.Maximum | Select-Object -Last 1

# Database allocated space
$db_metric_allocated_data_storage = $db_resource | Get-AzMetric -MetricName ‘allocated_data_storage’ -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
$db_AllocatedSpace = $db_metric_allocated_data_storage.Data.Average | Select-Object -Last 1
$db_AllocatedSpace = [math]::Round($db_AllocatedSpace / 1GB, 2)

$Report = New-Object PSObject
$Report | Add-Member -Name “ServerName” -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $server.ServerName
$Report | Add-Member -Name “DatabaseName” -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $database.DatabaseName
$Report | Add-Member -Name “Location” -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $db_loc
$Report | Add-Member -Name “Collation” -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $db_col
$Report | Add-Member -Name “Edition” -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $db_Ed
$Report | Add-Member -Name “CreationDate” -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $db_cd
$Report | Add-Member -Name “ServiceObjective” -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $db_SO
$Report | Add-Member -Name “EarliestRestoreDate” -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $db_Erd
$Report | Add-Member -Name “SKU” -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $db_sku
$Report | Add-Member -Name “Status” -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $db_status
$Report | Add-Member -Name “UsedSpace” -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $db_UsedSpace
$Report | Add-Member -Name “UsedSpacePer” -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $db_UsedSpacePercentage
$Report | Add-Member -Name “AllocatedSpace” -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $db_AllocatedSpace
$Report | Add-Member -Name “MaximumStorageSize” -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $db_MaximumStorageSize
##View the Report
$OutData += $Report
$SqlQuery=”INSERT INTO [TBL_AZSQL_INVENTORY] (ServerName,DatabaseName,location,Collation,Edition,CreationDate,CurrentServiceObjectiveName,SkuName,EarliestRestoreDate,DBstatus,UsedSpace,UsedSpacePer,AllocatedSpace,MaxStorageSize,CaptureDateTime) VALUES (” + “‘” + $server.ServerName + “‘,” + “‘” + $database.DatabaseName + “‘,” + “‘” + $db_loc + “‘,” + “‘” + $db_col + “‘,” + “‘” + $db_ed + “‘,” + “‘” + $db_cd + “‘,” + “‘” + $db_SO + “‘,” + “‘” + $db_sku + “‘,” + “‘” + $db_erd + “‘,” + “‘” + $db_status + “‘” + “,” + $db_UsedSpace + “,” + $db_UsedSpacePercentage + “,” + $db_AllocatedSpace + “,” + $db_MaximumStorageSize + “,” + “‘” + (Get-Date).ToString(‘MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt’) + “‘” + “)”
##Uncomment below line in case of close monitoring on inventory update”
write-host $SqlQuery
Invoke-Sqlcmd $SqlQuery -ServerInstance $LocalInstance -Username $localUser -Password $localPwd -Database $Repositorydb
Write-Host “Inventory STORED IN DB”


$OutData | Out-GridView -Title “Azure SQL DB Inventory Report”

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